Expressive and Fun Watercolors

New Workshop New Faculty

Beginner/Intermediate; Location: VanDerVeer Studio

Saturday & Sunday, March 24-25; 9:30am-4pm (1/2 hr. lunch break)

TUITION: Members: $185; Nonmembers: $215

Ken Karlic paints with a sense of urgency and passion that is more about capturing the essence of subjects than the specifics of the location. In this workshop, Ken will review what he feels are the most important steps in watercolors, in order of importance: design, drawing, and painting. With a strong design and solid drawing, he will introduce you to an entirely different approach to watercolor, one that celebrates spontaneity, exploration, and risk taking. “No two paintings should develop in the same way,” he says. “I’ll help you respond to each image as it is taking shape, allowing and even inviting surprises, as marks, scratches, drips, and splatters all become part of the final piece.”
